
Fun With Hypnosis

Hypnotic adventures in your mind...
12+ Fun Hypnosis Downloads will allow you to relax deeply and enjoy playing with your imagination in gentle, permissive hypnosis.

With no side effects.

This Fun Hypnosis section will help you explore your creative abilities, expand your mind and take a relaxing break from your day whenever you need a bit of refreshment or invigoration. 

Alpine Ski Run Let hypnosis take your imagination on an exhilarating trip!
Cloud Nine Rediscover how good life can be with this permissive, gentle hypnosis session
Happy Days A hypnosis audio to develop instinctive and habitual happiness
History of Mankind Get some therapeutic perspective with this fun, permissive hypnosis session
Hypnotic Treasure Hunt If you're looking for relaxation hypnosis, you can't beat a hypnotic treasure hunt!
Hypnotic Vacation Take a relaxing journey and develop an appreciation for the beauty in each day
Laugh More Hypnosis can help you naturally develop an enjoyable, healthy sense of humor
Ride in a Space Ship A hypnotic story to take you on a fun journey
Ride on a Magic Carpet A relaxing, imaginative hypnosis audio
Ride Under the Ocean A hypnosis audio session to strengthen your creativity and imagination
Soar Like an Eagle This enjoyable hypnotic journey can increase your energy levels and productivity
Space Walk Relax into a hypnotic experience of the joys of weightlessness
Once you have been on a trip with one of these downloads, you won't want to come back!

Oh, and a Warning!  

We lied about no side effects. 

It's possible that your life might change and become more fun, as a side effect of listening to one of these downloads...

Best Wishes 

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